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Prof. Dr. Olivier LAS VERGNAS Full Professor @ Lille Sciences & Tech. University, Creator of "Cité des métiers" concept. Président of Association française d'astronomie He leads researches about the secondary-school social divide between so-called "scientits" and "non scientits" and the a posterio effect of what we could call a school prophety of science ability or unability. His fellows researchers and PhD students study particularly the obstacles for lifelong learning resulting from that "school prophety" on adults and their relation to scientific and technological knowledge and skill. |
Read some Olivier's papers download a summary of olivier's current works in Education [here] |
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Discover Olivier's social fiction Novels (in French) (2007) Romanesque 2.0 |
Olivier's research papers (in French) related to Science Self directed learning |
Olivier Las Vergnas HDR defense Mainly because of their ambiguity and reliance on school curricula, views promoting a “cultural knowledge” of science (in French: “culture scientifique”) have been repeating themselves identically since thirty years, holding it able to improve both elite detection and knowledge sharing, forgetting that the educational system categorises pupils into one quarter of scientists and three quarters of non-scientists. For the latter, a conative obstacle adding to natural cognitive obstacles literally teaches them to accept this categorisation, which may even become a self-fulfilling prophecy that they are not able any more to deal with any sort of science. Moreover, this “knowledge”, being a prescription without any relation to the scientific and technological dimension of culture as experienced by everyone, reinforces the epistemological divide between scientific knowledge and knowledge originating in day-to-day life: instead of recognising the opportunities of acculturation to science brought about by technical practices, it introduces a “scholastic” obstacle.
Olivier Las Vergnas PhD defense in Astronomy and Data Analysis
This novel has been first published in French untittled "Autopsie d'un sans-papiers" in 2009 by Le passager clandestin publisher. It has been republished by Universpoche/Pocket/Fleuve Noir in one of the most famous French SF pocket editions as "Un vrai temps de chiens". It is the second social fiction novel written by Olivier Las Vergnas after Romanesque 2.0 (2007, le passager clandestin, publisher in Paris)
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